cage3Many part-time freelancers are planning their exit strategies. According to an online survey, 72% of those still at “regular” jobs want to quit to be entirely independent and 61% say they will probably quit in two years.

Freelancers are on a quest for more flexibility in how they work, according to responses from more than 3,100 freelancers worldwide. Freedom tops the list of reasons those with “regular” jobs want to quit; 89% say they prefer to work when and where they choose. Not everyone wants to work 9 to 5.

The survey was commissioned by the online workplace oDesk and Millennial Branding, a Gen Y consulting firm. More than 3,100 freelancers worldwide were polled, including 1,900+ Millennials (ages 19-30)

Most (90%) of the freelancers surveyed said they define an entrepreneur as someone with the mindset to see opportunities, take risks, and make things happen. Only 10% define it as someone who starts a company.

Millennials were more likely to see being an entrepreneur as “entirely a good thing” compared with all other age groups (57% vs. 47%). Because they are younger than others in the workforce, it’s not surprising that they’re less concerned about stability or salting enough money away for retirement. A majority of those surveyed (75%) said the benefits of being an entrepreneur outweigh the downsides.

Source: Millennials & the Future of Work, 2013