Linear success vs. inspired success
The times. . . they are a changin’. So many invested in corporate America. They figured if they just put in a good 30 years, they would be safe, solid, and vested. They would have all they needed. But then the layoffs struck. And broken promises fluttered to the ground. People realized that there is...
On the power of books
You can never overestimate the power of books to help you find your calling. Books helped Walter “Skoog” Fordham find the work he loves. Diversity is his passion. His niche is an unusual one. He facilitates diversity training, team building, groups, and employee relations interventions for nonprofits. Some highlights of his work in diversity training...
One FT job resembles a basket of eggs
Someone got canned at work. Or at least, I think that’s what happened. It was choreographed better than the Bolshoi. The person sent an email to her staff at the end of a day. But seriously, who really would rather quit work to spend time with their kids? That surely is more harrowing and exhausting...