Here’s a paradox.

Did you know that sometimes the best way to get work done is not to work?

It sounds counterintuitive, right? How can you get work done by not working?

By now, you’re probably thinking I’m delusional.

But when you work more hours than usual you may neglect your health. You think you’ll just skip that hour at the gym. Or maybe you decide to skip your regular run or walk.

That’s the old approach.

But with the new Power Up Program that I’m launching this week, you can go back to taking care of yourself.

How so?

This course will teach you how to prioritize actions that increase and maintain your energy levels. And exercise is one of them.

Staying glued to your chair for hours at a time is not.

As it turns out, people who exercise perform better at work. And they tend to make more money than people who don’t.

Yep. Researchers in Finland followed 5,000 male twins for almost 30 years. They compared active twins vs. sedentary ones and discovered that regular exercise was associated with long-term income levels that were between 14 and 17 percent higher.

Want to know why?

It turns out that when you exercise your body, you exercise your brain, according to the Washington Post.

With physical exercise, you increase blood flow and sharpen higher-order thought processes. And that allows you to be more creative, better at problem-solving, and better at connecting ideas.

Yes, exercise makes it easier for you to think and therefore more efficient and . . . better at working.

In other words, exercise makes you more productive.

Taking care of your health so you can become more productive along the way is part of the content the Power Up Program covers.

It will open up a whole new world for you:

  • Imagine how confident and energized you will feel if you are physically at your peak and clear-minded each day, ready to take on new challenges.
  • Imagine the difference it will make for your long-term goals and revenue if you are able to sharpen your problem-solving skills and approach each project with attention and focus.
  • Imagine how being physically and mentally in shape will cut the clutter and overwhelm from your schedule, leaving you open to concentrate on what really matters.

This is not just a dream. It could be your new reality. All you have to do is make the decision to enroll in the Power Up Program.

With this course, I’ll teach you:

  • How to chop down your humongous to-do list and keep it manageable
  • How to focus better
  • How to free your time from distractions
  • How to create routines
  • How to overcome overwhelm
  • How to boost your energy
  • How to free up 4 hours a week (or 200+ hours a year)
  • . . . and much more

Those are just some of the reasons you should give this a try.

The 4-week online training starts this Thursday, Oct. 6, at 1 pm (ET). Until 6 pm (ET) on Wednesday, you can sign up for a Buy One Get One Free offer. Essentially, it’s two for the price of one ($195).

And here’s the course content:

Module 1: Overcome Overwhelm | Live webinar on Oct. 6
Module 2: Tame Time | Live webinar on Oct. 13
Module 3: Sharpen Focus | Live webinar on Oct. 20
Module 4: Build Energy + Willpower | Live webinar on Oct. 27

Each live webinar will run at 1 pm (ET) /12 pm (CT) / 11 am (MT) / 10 am (PT) for one hour including time for Q&A.

Are you in? You can sign up here.

Take action and get the Power Up Program and your bonus of Productivity Tips from 6-Figure Entrepreneurs before you run out of time.


Got questions? Email them to me at