I’m always on the lookout for stories about people who manage to write books, despite having day jobs. So this story piqued my interest.

A movie called “Revenant” recently premiered. It’s about a frontier fur trapper and based on a novel that a DC lawyer wrote in “his spare time.”

The author, Michael Punke, wrote the 2002 book by waking before dawn and going in early to write at his law office, according to The Washington Post.

These days the author can’t talk about the movie, because federal ethics rules prohibit him from doing any promotional work that might enrich him and potentially abuse his high-ranking position as deputy US trade representative and ambassador to the World Trade Organization.

But his example made me think that if an aspiring writer really cares about getting a story out there, he or she will find the pockets of time to write. Punk was smart to make it a habit, building writing into his schedule. As Tim Gunn might say, he knew how to make it happen.