Posts tagged "work habits"

Where willpower and fatigue intersect

One month into the new year might be time to revisit those new year’s resolutions. How are they working for you? If, like me, you’re not thrilled with your performance so far, it could be you’re pushing yourself too hard, trying to do too much at once. I recently watched an interesting talk on will...
Sleep your way to the top

Sleep your way to the top

I knew that would catch your attention. Of course, it takes on new meaning if we’re talking about entrepreneurs who work for a company of one. If you’re a freelancer, one big problem you face is keeping your morale up, says Diana Schneidman, a freelance marketing writer based in Illinois. She should know. Schneidman started...

How Le Carré works

We don’t often hear about the work habits of those who are good at what they do. Or when we do, they are misleading. In recent years, the press has focussed perhaps too much on people who made names for themselves while still quite young with seemingly little effort. Mark Zuckerberg comes to mind. Perhaps...